
Rain, Rain. Go Away.

Alright, so I know I live in Oregon and all.. but seriously this rain is getting to be so ridiculous. Don't get me wrong! I can appreciate a good downpour every once and again, but why does mother nature insist on having the greatest rainfall of the day/month/season {mind you, I'm exaggerating, but only a little} have to be when I am walking on my way to catch the bus?
This was literally {not quite literally, the Google is my friend} my walk from class to the station. I'm talking torrential downpour status:

This is why I don't bother dressing like the cutest little thing, three of the four seasons out of the year. Which is unfortunate, because I'd like to update my style habits but the weather just won't permit it. This is exactly a look I could be going for right now:

If I could dress like Kendi {Everyday} and just attach an umbrella to my hand I would, but lets not forget how darn cold it is here when it rains! If only we had that warm Hawaiian rain.. Mmm..

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