
Whimsical Beauties.

Here's a convenient way to give you a glimpse into my interests and taste.
 I've always been utterly obsessed with all that Anthropologie has to offer and early last year the company announced that they are coming out with a new wedding line/shop! How amazing is that? I just about died when I found out. 

Tomorrow is the unveiling of the website - BHLDN {pronounced "beholden"} - Anthro's new wedding shop.

 Currently the operation is strictly online, but they are planning on branching out into new stores and what have you within the next couple of years. 

Scavenging my favorite blogs, I had hoped to find more information and images of the new wedding line and luckily I found the mother-lode! 

An amazing wedding blog {found here} called Green Wedding Shoes  had the incredibly wonderful opportunity to attend a sneek peak of the new shop along with a few other lucky and famous bloggers. 

Here are some more of the pictures I snagged from Green Wedding Shoes.

BHLDN offers wedding dresses as well as dresses that could be worn to a wedding or in a wedding. Aren't these bridesmaid dresses spectacular?

They also offer accessories for the big day, because lets face it. You can never have enough accessories, these can be worn regardless if there is a wedding going on.

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