
Decisions, Decisions.

So, ready for some exciting news?
Well, I mean I doubt you will be as excited as I am.  But it's exciting none the less!
I was just accepted into the Pacific Northwest College of Art in Portland, Oregon! (I'm currently in Eugene) And because of that, I have some major decisions to make. Am I done with the University of Oregon? I don't know. But I've got a month and a half to figure it out.


Force of Habit.

Clearly my inner stated goal for myself of posting something every day hasn't worked out as well as I had hoped. When things get busy I have less time to find things of interest to me, and inevitably, possibly for you as well. That being said, I've heard somewhere (don't ask me where, I certainly can't recall) that it takes doing something 47 times before that action becomes a habit. So it looks like I've got a long ways to go. Planning is in order here. I'll figure something out.


In Sickness and In Health.

Why is it that whenever I've got a lot of things on my plate, that's when I get sick? I would be a happy and healthy lady right now if it hadn't been for that sick fool sitting behind me in class Monday night. And now, thanks to him, I'm sleep deprived and struggling to pick up the pace.

Projects have a deadline you know, there's no time to be sick. 
Assignments have to get done and film needs to be processed. Music needs to be sampled and an audio soundtrack must come from that. But mind you, that's only one class. I've got four. Each with their own assignments and ever-precious due dates.

No late work in college. No late work. Ever.


Rain, Rain. Go Away.

Alright, so I know I live in Oregon and all.. but seriously this rain is getting to be so ridiculous. Don't get me wrong! I can appreciate a good downpour every once and again, but why does mother nature insist on having the greatest rainfall of the day/month/season {mind you, I'm exaggerating, but only a little} have to be when I am walking on my way to catch the bus?
This was literally {not quite literally, the Google is my friend} my walk from class to the station. I'm talking torrential downpour status:

This is why I don't bother dressing like the cutest little thing, three of the four seasons out of the year. Which is unfortunate, because I'd like to update my style habits but the weather just won't permit it. This is exactly a look I could be going for right now:

If I could dress like Kendi {Everyday} and just attach an umbrella to my hand I would, but lets not forget how darn cold it is here when it rains! If only we had that warm Hawaiian rain.. Mmm..


Whimsical Beauties.

Here's a convenient way to give you a glimpse into my interests and taste.
 I've always been utterly obsessed with all that Anthropologie has to offer and early last year the company announced that they are coming out with a new wedding line/shop! How amazing is that? I just about died when I found out. 

Tomorrow is the unveiling of the website - BHLDN {pronounced "beholden"} - Anthro's new wedding shop.

 Currently the operation is strictly online, but they are planning on branching out into new stores and what have you within the next couple of years. 

Scavenging my favorite blogs, I had hoped to find more information and images of the new wedding line and luckily I found the mother-lode! 

An amazing wedding blog {found here} called Green Wedding Shoes  had the incredibly wonderful opportunity to attend a sneek peak of the new shop along with a few other lucky and famous bloggers. 

Here are some more of the pictures I snagged from Green Wedding Shoes.

BHLDN offers wedding dresses as well as dresses that could be worn to a wedding or in a wedding. Aren't these bridesmaid dresses spectacular?

They also offer accessories for the big day, because lets face it. You can never have enough accessories, these can be worn regardless if there is a wedding going on.


The Beginning of a Beautiful Adventure.

Hello to all. Finding the words to kick off this grand adventure isn't as simple as you may think, so please, bear with me.

My name is Jen, and as of now: 4:53pm PST, I am procrastinating. 
I attend a funny little (well, not so little) college called the University of Oregon and while it's got it's upsides, (you know, liberal arts, 2nd in the nation in football, On the Rocks male a cappella group -and all that jazz) I still can't bring myself to figure out what to do with my life.

Should I go to the more practical and still interesting graphic design/multimedia route? Or should I throw caution to the wind and aspire to be a part of tradition and whimsy, and venture down the path of "Jen Eng: Fashion designer extraordinaire! {Specializing in all things wedding of course.}"

{The incredible Vera Wang}

What should I do? Both directions harvest my interest and creativity, but one might as well remain just a dream. I have little to no experience designing clothing let alone a piece that someone would willingly choose to wear on one of the (if not thee) most important days of their life. I'm not even much further in the other department either. 
I've already got a a year and two thirds of college over and done with as just a simple Art major. All I've accomplished under my belt is one digital arts class - in progress, mind you. UOregon might be able to provide for me what I am looking for in digital and multimedia artistry, but the only fashion design school I know of is at the Art Institute in Portland, OR. And if neither of those then something else wedding related, event planner or something. Weddings are my passion and I need to know if they should remain my hobby or blossom into what could be my career.

As I blog about the things that suit my fancy maybe one of you hopefully interested, hopefully existent followers can help me make my ultimate decision, or simply just tag along for the ride.